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Large Membrane Waterproofing

3E-SERVICES is a pioneer in large scale membrane waterproofing. We have effectively deployed and avoided water leakages by using Membrane Waterproofing Method, by our technical expertise and “best-in-class” workmanship. There have been zero leakages in our Waterproofing deployments.

Water leakages through structures such as foundation, retaining walls, roof slabs, walls, buildings, etc., are the most common problems faced in many buildings. The Water seepages, leakages cause huge inconvenience, nuisance, unsightly appearance, unhealthy environment and more importantly, threaten the safety and durability of the structure and the Building.

The Building / structure can be protected through various waterproofing methods. One of the most common, durable, effective, fast, relatively-economical and widely used methods is the Membrane Waterproofing method.

How Membrane Waterproofing Works?

  • The Membrane waterproofing method involves a process of laying/ creating a physical barrier between the water and the structure.
  • This membrane or barrier, effectively avoids the ingress of water into the structure and successfully protects it from seepage and leakage of water.
  • The waterproofing membrane can be of many types depending on their material of construction and method of application.
  • Material of Construction of the water proofing Membrane can either be in a liquid form or a physical membrane form.
  • If the water proofing coat is in physical form like a Membrane, then, depending on the type of membrane, it is either applied (stuck) to the surface by means of an adhesive or in case of asphalt-based membrane, using a blow torch so as to ensure proper adhesion between the surface and the membrane.
  • Loosely laid membrane like PVC with spot adhesion & seamless welding, TPO, EPDM etc., are also widely used.
  • The major advantage of a water proofing membrane is that it can take any profile as that of the surface it is applied or laid on.
  • Once the membrane is laid, it is recommended to normally provide a protection which will avoid damage to the membrane.
  • The Membrane waterproofing is the most effective, time-tested and fool-proof way of ensuring protection against seepage, dampness, leakages through structures and ensures the longevity and durability of the structure/ building

What is important for Waterproofing implementation?

  • Understanding Site conditions along with structural aspects
  • Selection of right type of membrane and due knowledge of its properties
  • The waterproofing membrane can be of many types depending on their material of construction and method of application.
  • Diligent and technically-skilled application
  • Skilled Team for Implementation and Execution.